Snakes always live under the shadows.



Poor animals always live hiding and looking for a place to rest and eat always close to the ground, hidden from humans who always go to see what the hell to do with them to kill them because they are dangerous. I remember reading that in India or Africa, very few people suffer snake bites, which compared to the people who die from leptospirosis, the disease caused by rats, is a huge number of deaths. So, despite the repulsion and fear they can cause, it is phenomenally beneficial for humans because snakes eat rats that would otherwise end up killing us in much larger numbers compared to what snakes can cause.



So now you know, when you see a snake, don't mistreat it, take care of it because it is a treasure for our fauna and you don't know how many benefits it has for our humanity, as they protect us a lot.

This happened when we found a beautiful Castilian viper in the fish tank, a snake of pale yellow color with brown spots that is lethally venomous. You have little time to live once you receive a bite from this beautiful specimen. The snake seen here was swimming peacefully in the pond with the fish, usually looking for larvae and small fish like fry or tadpoles, or frog or toad eggs. So when we found it, we proceeded to remove it from the place to move it to a very distant place, as there were children around and that could generate problems due to bites from minors. So after catching it with a net, we moved it far away to a nearby stream hoping it doesn't get too close or return.



It pains me to know that many people kill these beautiful and beneficial creatures for our ecosystems and our lives as I have mentioned above, so let's take care of them and not kill these beauties, they are so beneficial they don't deserve to die. There is a balance where eagles or birds of prey will come to hunt them to keep them in balance within Mother Nature.

Thank you for visiting, remember this is original material with photos included.



I agree, Friend. We are all more safe when we determine the way to be good neighbors with other species. I love what you are expressing here and demonstrating with your actions.