Hive Philippines Street Photography #649 - by Allmonitors

in #photosoftheday11 months ago

#649 - Monochrome for Thursday.

A fine evening fellow Hivers. Tonight is my last work day and will be returning on Sunday once again. I have two days of rest which is Friday and Saturday and there is an expected typhoon again that will enter the country and hopefully it will not affect where we are so we could go out for a walk with my wife and son. Earlier I had to wake up early so I could go out for a quick walk alone, I got home from work before one just after midnight and I couldn't sleep straight so I decided to go out and sweat and did a quick nap after going home which works because I was a bit tired already from walking atleast six kilometers. My body is tired and I got a quick nap after that.

Now moving on to our daily shots we got here a lovely lady who is doing a cosplay along the road. No idea about who the person she is representing in her attire but she is hot. She is barefoot too and the photographer that took her photo shares the shots that were taken from the DSLR camera of the young man.


Then here we have a family with their little ones. They are walking on the other side of the road where I am. There are also other street performers and cosplayers on that side of the road and everyone's seem to be enjoying the day especially the kids.


Then we have here a young woman holding a flower while she stands still waiting for her two friends who are taking photos just right beside her.

A young woman sporting a leather jacket passes by another young mother carrying her baby in front with a baby carrier.

Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex