Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #798 - by Allmonitors

in #photosoftheday4 months ago

#798 - Nagtipunan shots for Monday.

A wonderful evening once again fellow lovely Hiveans. It's the manic Monday that we call and it's also my second night pf working. The weather is still warm here even though it's been raining for several days during the day time. So we still continue to use air-conditioning. One way for us to save is to set it to 25 Celsius and then just let the fan circulate it which makes the air colder. This is cheaper than to set the temperature to lower. Next month os going to be rainy season already so we will definitely have night where the AC is not required anymore.

For our shots for today, let me share some more of the photos we've taken when we went to my parents to check on them earlier this year. We spent almost a week there in the province. During our stay there we went to visit the neighboring town which is about more than an hour of drive to see what they call Landingan Viewpoint and also buy fish and pork in case we have a chance to see it along the road while traveling. We got to the tourist attraction site past six and the weather was cloudy so we didn't see the sun from rising up but from the mountain top we can see the light rays coming out of the thick clouds wherein below it are also mountains with lots of greens.

Below the mountains is a river that connects all the way to the biggest river system in the country. On the flat areas and hills are where the locals plant and cultivate their crops like different vegetables and corns.

Midway while on our way to the mountain top we saw an installation of some kind of an artistic design made out of bamboo shots and shaped like a heart and is leaning on the surface of the mountain. The design is big, people can stand in the middle of the heart shape and can also sit on it. There's also large boulders of rocks that were placed like a barrier and as stepping stones.



The stones were placed here by barehands and took sometime to complete the process, kudos to the local government in doing it. It's serving as a wall so that visitors will not stray away to much to the cliff or steep slopes part of the mountain where they grow different kinds of flowering plants.



My wife and I take turns to take photos of each others with the magnificent view from up here. We can see a great area covered with mountains and green plants. Farming is the main source of income here but those people maintaining this park also earn a living from the collected entrance fees of visitors like us coming to see their beautiful place.


We also has a couple photo with the help of my youngest brother who took it. Climbing to the top of the mountain was no easy task, we got sweaty shirts even though the temperature was cold when we got here.


Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Quirino, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex