Fireworks [En/Fr]

in #picture7 years ago

[Trad. Fr à la fin]

Hello :D

Today I'll post some pics of the fireworks that i saw tuesday :D
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It was a beautiful fireworks, but a little short compared to last year!
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I tried to take some "light painting" pics, I don't know if it's nice or not :o
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I think this one isn't nice, but this was hard to use, since even if you move just a little, it will be like this...
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That's all for today, have a good day and thanks for reading!

As always, don't forget to upvote and resteem ;)

---------- Trad Fr ----------

Salut :D

Aujourd'hui je vais poster quelques photos du feu d'artifice que j'ai vu mardi :D
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C'était un beau feu d'artifice, mais il était un peu plus court que l'année dernière!
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J'ai essayé de prendre des photos en mode "light painting", mais je ne sais pas si ca rend bien :o
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Je pense que celle la n'est pas géniale, mais c'est assez dur à utiliser, c'était pour vous montrer ce que cela donne si vous bougez ne serait-ce qu'un peu...
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C'est tout pour aujourd'hui, merci d'avoir lu mon post! :D

Comme toujours, n'oubliez pas d'upvote et de resteem ;)


That looks like one cool fire works display. did it cost money to go and see or was it a free one? We have one on the 5th November, it costs £8 per person to watch and there are only 30 minutes of fireworks. they do the fireworks to music and is a proper display. There is also rides for kids to go on and a massive bonfire they light too. It can be a really expensive night out.

Hey! It was a free one, I think all fireworks in France are free (at least all the one I went to)
And yeah it's around 30minutes in length too! And there was music also :)
There is no ride though !

Aha yeah I can understand ;) but I didn't pay anything :p

They put the rides there for kids to go on but cost money too i think like £2.50per person per go. Then there is food on and thats alot to £4.00 just for a burnt burger and a few chips. We go because its nice for the kids but it could be better. Cheers for replying :)

Yeah they aren't stupid aha
Yeah for the kids it's nice, but not for your wallet :p

Tell me about it, you need £100 just to have a little fun these days

It depends where you live aha :p and if you have children! Children are expensive nowadays!

Nice shots...... not easy to fotograph fireworks..........

Aha thanks ;) yeah it's not that good though, but I admit my phone is decent when it comes to pictures!