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RE: Piggericks Strategy – When to Toss and When to Bank?

in #piggericks4 years ago

Well, let's see.

So, a full bar for the left belly, represents a 26% chance of landing on it, while a half bar would mean the chance increases to 29%.

If I understand it correctly, the smaller the bar on the belly, the bigger the chance the pig will land there?
Actually, until now I thought it would be the other way around: big bar on the left belly = big chance it will land on that belly.
And my thought seems to be true for all other parts except the belly 🤔.

I'm still trying to understand the math around this ... simply because I love math :).

My best guess is: the only parts that can have a negative impact in the game are the bellies (if every pig lands on the opposite side of a belly you lose) and that's why the statistical values on the bellies work opposite to the rest of the parts.

Is that nearly correct?



So the bars go from 0% to 100% and represent the relative performance (vs other pigs).

A full bar is always good and low bar is always bad.

Since you want your pigs to NOT land on the belly a low bar means a big belly and a full bar means a small belly. A big belly means the chance of landing on it higher. Same for the nose, except its good to land on the nose so big noses >> big nose bar.

The belly is sorta negative so the bar goes the other way around in a way.

When you look at the pigs, just look at how full are the bars, that's how good the pig is.

Does that make sense?

That makes a lot of sense!!!
Thanks a lot for clarifying :)