If you start a token this year on Hive Engine, make sure you have the right economics behind it.

in #pimp2 months ago


A lot of people say I've been good for BRO, a lot of people say that without me, BRO would have been dead. But the reality of it all is that BRO would have been dead a long time ago if it was up to me, and me alone, to save the project.

If you look at us when we first started, we got a 300,000 HP delegation pulled. I was about to shut up shop and refund all the community their tokens but they wanted us to continue, they said I should. Despite concerned whales, we pushed forward against all the odds.

I had people offer me HP delegations, I had people offer me help in terms of coding. The community were completely supportive and helpful of what we were doing at the time.

And, we made it. And, I never spent any of the money we made in the crowdsale. In fact, believe it or not I still have it, albeit it's sitting in assets currently but I haven't spent a god damned bit of it.

And there have been times when we've been set adrift, with no paddle or lifelines and just a large ocean to contend with, but as it happens someone from the community has came along with some good advice to make our project better at keep ploughing along.

I made quite a lot of mistakes along the way. If I knew what I know now I'd probably have done things a lot differently, like for example sell our splinterlands holdings when it was valued at $220k+, but alas, you live and you learn.

So in reality the community should thank themselves for sticking around, because without them, we wouldn't have a project. And that's a fact. Even now, the community helps in their own way.

So where am I going with this?

Well, it's been a hard old slog keeping BRO and LGN from daily disaster, even as we are tokens that people want to hold and keep, we still have to keep those daily disasters of people selling to the floor -- because let's be real here, this is what is always a threat on any token.

The idea is to make people feel they are missing out on a good deal if they see it down. Like BRO for example, a few weeks ago someone sold BRO to the floor, and within a few hours there was over 2000 Hive on the buy side from people wanting to get a cheap deal from those selling heavy.

I've yet to create that on LGN, but it will come, especially in this bull market. Watch this space. We "sort of" know what we're doing, hah.

But yeah, if you're one of those risk-takers and like to throw caution to the wind and want to create your very own token for the people of hive to use -- then I would advise you to create some of that much needed use, and not so much use, but demand. Make people froth at the mouth to have your token. Make people want to sell their nan on ebay so they can have a chance at your token.

Which is hard to do. But, if you're a risk taker I'm sure you'll make it work. And survive the bull like we did!


Absolutely! The faith the community has in Bro and Legion is its biggest strength. You and the team deserve a ton of credit for the amazing work!

Thank you :)

You are welcome