My top 3 - Review of Project Hope community publications

in #piotr4 years ago

When writing a publication we expect it to be read, commented on, and voted on. This is the main sense of this network, that relationships are established between different users around themes to ends, with which all participants communicate. In this sense the community PROJECT.HOPE has been doing its own thing, this project allows users with similar interests in topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Technology, among others to share quality content and with active participation of all members of this


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For this reason I bring 3 publications that I have been able to read so far and it seems to me that they have a lot of potential, not only because of the content and presentation but also because it allows you to go a little further than what is stated in them.

I present three publications. Join me in these readings:

Our friend @lupafilotaxia this week shared with us a very interesting publication in which he talks about something that could be a solution to reduce air pollution levels in those overpopulated cities with high CO2 emissions.

He tells us about some artificial trees that they have created in Mexico and he already approves of them. I recommend reading the following publication:

Artificial trees as technological tools for air purification


Talking about Blockchain can be a bit complicated to understand for some people, because it certainly has its nuances. And talking about inter-operability between different chains could be even more difficult to understand, however, it is something important, and it could surely bring many benefits in the future.

I present you the following publication by @machnbirdsparo in which he provide some very important data on this subject:

Dynamic Decentralized Networks


Since the emergence of the BTC approximately 12 years ago, a wave of events has been occurring that have brought us here, with this possibility of monetizing content on this type of platform.

Changes have occurred, and will continue to occur, but is this really the end of traditional banking?

I recommend you to read the following publication by @gbenga:

Bitcoin: The Local Bank Killer [Transparency and Low Inflation]


I hope you will visit the publications that I consider of very good quality, not only for their presentation but also for the subject matter of their development.
It is something that is sought in the community PROJECT HOPE, the active participation of users in the various publications that are in the feed.

I say goodbye until the next reading.


I hope you will visit the publications that I think are of very good quality, not only because of their presentation but also because of the subject matter of their development.
It is something that is sought in the community PROJECT HOPE, the active participation of users in the various publications that are in the feed.

I say goodbye until the next reading.




I invite you to visit Project.hope and learn about the benefits of this project for all those interested in growing while helping others to grow. To learn more about the team behind this project Here


Note: Emojis used are from the Bitmoji application.

I invite you to visit Project.hope and learn about the benefits of this project for all those interested in growing while helping others to grow.


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