Why do people worship pirates nowadays?

in #pirates6 years ago

I still can't quite wrap my head around this. I understand that people need a bit of anarchy in their lives in order to feel like they're not being ruled by others, like they're free, and that there are quite a few pirate songs about freedom at sea. But why choose such despicable human beings over other perfect examples of free people?

There is even a collocation for what they did: rape and pillage. It's part of people's vernacular. But even knowing that, shows like Pirates of the Caribbean have been going viral for some time. In these films, comics, songs, et. al., pirates are somehow ennobled.

What hoops and loops must be jumped through to achieve such mental prowess as praising the most inhumane representation of the scourge that has populated our world since the birth of the human race? As I said, I can't wrap my head around this:

In anime, we have One Piece for pirates, Vinland for Vikings. In movies, we have the Pirates of the Caribbean for Pirates and.. well, I'll just ennumerate a few more things: Black Sails (series about pirates), Vikings (series about Vikings), and I could go on but I want to go straight to the point.

People seem to be obsessed with violence and freedom in whatever shape this takes. I also want to make a new post soon about how the culture portrayed on TV shows is progressively aligning more and more with communism and anarchy. Totalitarian dystopias reversed by underdogs, etc., but that's a topic for later.

For now, I really want to ask to the air, or to the reader if you think you have some answers about this. Why are there so many pieces of filmography and literature nowadays praising criminals? We've gone from heroes, through anti-heroes and into billboards FULL of TV series and documentaries about heists, robberies and serial murderers.

Humans are morbid. I know this. But I really feel like the acceptance for these things is growing so much that people are justifying more and more extreme actions everywhere. At least here in Venezuela, people from both sides (political) call for the murder and torture of people from the other side. I've seen this tendency growing and now my Netflix is filled with all of this violence.

Well, I tried to check for a screenshot but it seems like Netflix just noticed this and changed their whole recommendations. Before, all I saw were heists, more heists, stealing money, killing people and crazy violent stuff. Now there are many more cute things. I'm happy that they did this to my recommendations and will be watching some more joyful things.

So, is it just confirmation bias or is there an increase in the overall violence displayed in art nowadays? I'm sure we'll start seeing some studies about the topic if there aren't any already.

I'm seriously left dumbstruck every time I see a new pirate thing coming out. I can't get accustomed to the love these people get.

By the wayy, did you know that there is an increase in piracy in the Caribbean again? As Venezuela falls into crisis, criminals have set sail and now the southern coast of Trinidad and Tobago is being terrorised. Hundreds have already been robbed and killed, their ships hijacked, and many others have also been kidnapped in hope of getting ransoms.

But yay, go pirates... -.-'


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Maybe it's just the idea of sticking it to the Man and freedom on the high seas? And finding lost treasures. Sure there are some really terrible pirates, maybe there were good ones too haha. Firefly is a good example of this feeling for space pirates :P

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I think it has something to do with the old quote, "Humor is tragedy plus time."

The evil has always been there, even in the present, many of the evils perpetrated by pirates, Vikings and others, really are nothing compared to many things that happen now. I believe that people like these things simply because their culture shows a simpler lifestyle.

In my case, I like the Wild West...