Daily routine - day eighteen - doodles and ramblings of a maniac

in #pixel5 years ago

Hello everyone!

For the weekend I was absent... got lost in the world of Battletech... leading my lance of mercenaries against all odds and having fun... totally ignored my contract and got a bit behind with my daily post goals... But, I can honestly say, I don't care. I had fun.

I did some thinking about drawing and stuff I did in the past few weeks, and I'm not sure but I feel that I'm improving. I feel more happy with them and they are looking better and better and all I've done was thinking about the way I did some things and trying to improve those and picking what I thought worked.

Is that crazy? Either way, I find it to be amazing. It feels like being a superhero. :)

Here are some random doodles and some text related to kristy's challenge/competition. I added some snowmen for good measure and to have fun.

So this is an early sneak peak into my idea pool for the contest :)

On another note, I'm waiting for people to contact me to get their card(s) - apparently most of the people that wanted them didn't even bother to read any of my more recent posts. I couldn't be bothered to chase down those people and ask for the info I need. I'm busy with other stuff and what I think is more important - if they really wanted those cards - they would had asked about them already.

Anyways, this is all from me for today :)

All sketches, drawings and photos are my own.

Keep doing what you like and have fun!