Welcome to AI World

in #pl-fotografia8 months ago


AI is here. If you like it or not. Yesterday I did actualisation of my Photoshop. Now it has Generative Fill option and Remove tool which are working pretty good. Also using Crop tool you can enlarge your picture and generate new background.


AI już tutaj jest. Czy Ci się to podoba czy nie. Wczoraj zaktualizowałam swoją wersję Photoshopa i dostałam nowe funkcje. Teraz mam opcję wypełniania generatywnego i narzędzie do usuwania.ponadto narzedzie fo przycinania zdjecia umozliwia Ci rozszerzenie go i uzupelnienie dowolnym tłem.


Before of you wanted to remove something from the picture or add something you had to have idea how to use layers in Photoshop and other tools. It was taking time bit also giving pleasure of doing that. Now you just need to select what you want to change, choose "generate" option, wait a little bit and you have mountain, river, bridge and much more.
AI still is not perfect. I wanted to add white horse but AI only created brown ones. Finally when I managed to add this it wasn't lokking good at all.


Wczesniej, żeby coś dodać albo usunąć ze zdjęcia, to trzeba było mieć niezły warsztat, trzeba bylo znac sie na warstwach i innych narzędziach. Wiedzieć kiedy i jak ich używać. Teraz wystarczy tylkon zaznaczyc obszar, który chcesz zmienić wybrać opcję "wypełnij", poczekać chwilę i już na zdjęciu masz górę, rzekę, most czy co tam chcesz. Ale AI nie jest idealna. Chciałam dodać białego konia, ale AI stworzyła tylko brązowego. Kiedy w końcu mi sie to udało, to nie wyglądał zbyt dobrze.


So this is how looked like original photo... I only left the car, the rest I've changed.
Scary? Creepy? Or giving new possibilities?


Powyżej oryginalne zdjęcie... zostawiłam tylko samochód, resztę zmieniłam.
Przerażające? Pojechane? Czy dające nowe możliwości?


It’s quite amazing how quickly AI has come so far. It’s almost as if in 2023 it’s exponentially increased. Is it because that’s the case, or have consumers just finally sat up and taken notice. I know that ChatGP and OpenAI have help push its cause along, but in reality, AI has been around for a long long time. Any game developer has been building AI into their games for decades.

Perhaps it’s the generative side to AI that’s really sprouted this year. There still seem to be a lot of bugs with it - I can never get it to do what I want, but it looks like you may have mastered the Photoshop capabilities well.

As a teacher, we’re now walking the fine line of deciding whether to let’s students use it at all, and learning ourselves, how to teach students ethical practices in using AI and how to correctly reference work you’ve taken from any generative AI tool. There are some good ones out there, as you’ve clearly shown in your post, but using them correctly and at the right time, like everything, requires some training.

I know that AI was present for some time already, but I think that now some features became more available for ordinary people. Like new features in Photoshop.

For now it's just something new, new toy... but as you said it's not perfect.

And yes, we need to learn how to use it in proper way and when is better not to use it. If it helps us or takes something like our creativity... I guess as always we need to find some balance in that.

Thank you for your comment :)

Its quite hard to tell difference between these two pics just the background though is different. And the little white thingy in the body of the car

It's also wider. And every detail was added. I didn't add just background. AI created things one by one. So I defined that I want to have water and later decided to add bridge and later some stones... of course I could do it before but with more effort.

Ohhh this is amazing and great Al sure knows what one wants in terms of designing