The Ultimate Lineup

in #play2earn3 years ago (edited)

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An accident that became the best thing ever...

I was trying to improve the mage build and was trying some suggestions of using the Djinn Oshannus and Phantom of the Abyss.

Then while theory crafting, I remember someone saying any build can become mages when you use dragons. So, I didn't realize that Djinn Oshannus and Phantom of the Abyss hasn't expired yet and I rented Robo Dragon Knight and Diamond Dragon.

The accident ended up being the most powerful lineup I ever had.

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Here is the link for the battle. I can't add anymore emphasis on how great the timing is.

(Because I may not be able to rent it again anytime soon. That build was super expensive to maintain.)

I will not spoil anything but I know that you already know based on how excited I am on this post.

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Some other thoughts...

I want to make this post longer but I really just want to share that part. The build is super strong and without any bias, I think it could hold even in Silver 1 league. When I get to Silver 1, I will probably try it again. I see no weakness on it because the void/silence combo is not enough due to high damage. Even with void, it hits 2-3 damage so unless you're able to provide void to Kraken, and lucked that I don't get you affliction, I really don't see anyone killing this lineup.
I also have to mention the melee/ranged chances of missing due to speed and due to game mechanics, my mages cannot miss.
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If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to post down below. I will comment on it for sure.
If you're interested in the game, you can use my referral here for a possibility to gain a card that is an immense advantage as a starting player.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading my post.

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