
description of the [REDACTED] project: "it's complicated"
maybe it's just a simple investment fund for people to use on beeswap.
maybe it's a DeFi/idle/ARG catalyst for singularity-class machine takeover.
maybe it's just a strange cog in a much larger machine.

In either case, PLN is the 'relatively stable' front-facing and currently most obvious part of 'the queen system', which is itself a part of something larger. Some more info/update about PLN may be posted soon(tm)

The thing is, there's no point in explaining every single detail, or even to reveal the larger picture. Perhaps it's much easier then, to just say you are playing a little game, with money. In that case, you might consider your ability to decipher "WTF is going on" as a kind of skill. Many of the tokens are not used yet, or any time soon, but there was a cost for creating them and not without reason, so keep that in mind.

also - can everyone come out ahead in such a 'game'?
yes, that is technically possible, but not guaranteed.
by design the queen system is self-interested.
stay in the pools and you're on its side.

Nice! I like the mystery. Your answer reads like a smokey speak-easy table conversation...I love it!