
the forest grows deeper!
it's relatively safe to explore.

I have been in the FLOWER:PLN and blossom/bloom pools for some days now and it says i should get FLOWER tokens for being in both and have yet to get any. am i doing something wrong

Hi, there are a few tokens like flower which do not divide into tiny fractions, so in some cases they will require a certain % of the pool to obtain (the 'my positions' page of beeswap is fairly accurate for displaying expected rewards as far as I know, but it also seems to display fractional amounts smaller than what is actually possible)

There are also a few tokens which do not behave as originally intended for purpose of rewards - anything that does not divide at all was expected to 'round-up' and payout to the largest shares, but it seems to do the opposite and not distribute at all, and I'm not sure how to reconcile that.

The latter of these 2 problems should be mostly benign, but throws a wrench in the ideas behind those. Basically they were going to work kinda like a leaderboard bonus, where the people with the highest shares get occasional bonuses, but it seems like this might only work if the pool is allowed to expire completely, or if the number of those tokens is equal to the number of days remaining, neither of which is ideal for that idea but now I'm just thinking out loud. These things will hopefully improve over time, and if the problem was caused by some type of distribution bug it can hopefully be resolved soon.