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RE: Wahala. Troubles can become chances. Word of the Week contest S5W2

in #pob-wotw2 years ago

Yes about the freedom. I live in New York State, where everything is illegal. Here we are, coming off two years of having been told where to go, what to wear, who to hang out with, and who to believe, but we Ammies still think our government is trying to insure that freedom reigns in the world. It's absurd. We are not the good guys. No matter how many times our commander in chief says so, and how many in the halls of power cheer him on for saying so.


Same here.
I agree, there are no good guys. Everyone has also a dark side, it's just very difficult to admit. I wouldn't want to get to know myself that way for an even longer period of time. Already, my mind has hardened due to the last two years.

In a crooked way, all those cheerleaders maybe smarter in a way, for they seem to think that there, where the power lays, more safety and acceptance will be found. ...

I detest it very much being told where to stay, with whom and how many.