Bought some POBpunks: Experimenting with NFTs

in #pob2 years ago

You are looking at the new owner of the two NFTs on this post form the POBpunks collection by @jaxsonmurph. The purchasing process was straight forward and easy on .

Now that I have them I really don't know what is next as I am quite new to the NFT game. I do not see an option for me to sell or relist them so I do not really understand what the investment implications are or what the exit strategy will be.

The license is also private, perhaps this is what effects the exit strategy and what can be done with them now that I own them. Perhaps they are now just for my individual enjoyment. I don't know.

Maybe the artist or others have some ideas on the answers to my questions and what I can do with my new artwork.

As I always say I learn best by doing and this was an action for education.

Thank you for everyone who chimes in in the comments and for reading and voting.