From Taps to Tokens: Exploring New Income Streams

in #poblast month


So Notcoin cooked, Did you eat?

One of the intriguing things about inleo is the quality of information flow within the platform. Most people out here put in a lot of effort not just into writing but also into researching what they write about. That’s how I found out about Notcoin, a tap to earn telegram application that soft launched a couple of months ago.

The token was released on Ton chain a couple of days ago and airdropped to people who participated in mining it by tapping on the screens of their phone.


Tapping the screen of their phones you may ask! Yes tapping the screen of their phones. Did I do it? Ofcourse I did, did I get paid, a little. Do I know people who got paid? Yes, a lot? Yes.

I did it cuz everyone was doing it, I didn’t take it serious because many apps like that promise and fail to deliver, plus at first I couldn’t justify tapping my phone to actually earn money but who was I kidding? If walking to earn could ever be a thing, then anything could be, so I just tapped for a day or two now I’m hitting myself for not tapping much more like my life depends on it.

But it’s always the first movers

After Notcoins success, a lot of tap to earn apps have now flooded the space, and people are hyping them out, especially those who missed Notcoin.

Some claim that tapping to earn is just the beginning, an innovation paving the way for a new wave of passive income streams. The thrill of earning money with minimal effort has captured the imagination of many. While the initial concept seemed almost absurd, the overwhelming response and subsequent payout have proven its viability.


As with any new trend, caution is advised. While the potential for earnings is real, the market is also ripe for scams and failures. Not every tap-to-earn app will replicate Notcoin's success. The influx of imitators means that discerning genuine opportunities from the noise becomes crucial.

We saw this play out during the walk to earn frenzy, after the success of Steppn, a walk to earn app that took the space by surprise and led the influx of other walk to earn apps.

Despite the success stories, the walk-to-earn trend saw its share of disappointments, with many copycat apps failing to deliver on their promises. Users who were eager to jump on the bandwagon often found themselves disillusioned when these apps failed to sustain their initial hype.


The Next Big Thing?

The question on everyone's mind now is: what's next? If tapping and walking can be monetized, what other mundane activities could be turned into income streams? The possibilities seem endless, and with the rapid advancement of technology, the landscape of passive income is continually evolving.

We're already seeing whispers of new concepts like sleep-to-earn or read-to-earn, where users can supposedly earn tokens for activities they are already doing.

These ideas might sound far-fetched, but so did tapping a screen to earn money not too long ago. As the space matures, the key will be to stay informed and critically evaluate new opportunities.

Thanks for reading.

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