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RE: So... what happened?

in #pob2 years ago

Hahaha! The Curator's plan foiled!

Hope the bike ride goes well tomorrow! I had an active day having a 3 hour tennis session and going for a big hiking bonanza tomorrow with a friend, good to get out and about!


Bike ride fell through! Looks like it's a semi-relaxed day with more focus on the VYB Curation Project instead 😁 there's always next weekend!

Hiking bonanza? wut? I've never heard of that before, it sounds like you have a hat full of different hikes and you close your eyes and pick which one you're going to do 😂

Ah no, that's a shame! Yeah make plans for next weekend, hopefully it's decent enough weather!

Lol, that's actually not too far off what we do! We have a book with about 20 different hikes in, starting from a pub, and basically draw numbers! Starting at the pub is so tempting though to just skip the hike and have a meal without doing the work lol. We've not done that... yet!