Week 14 Response-- Market vs. Political Entrepreneurs

in #pob2 years ago

"Should political entrepreneurs exist, and does their presence hinder democracy?"
Democracy at its core can be visualized as a transfer and flow of power from those who have less to those who have more. Political entrepreneurship always has some form of convulsion and incentive from the government behind it- sometimes this can be referred to as predetary entrepreneurship. From what it seems, a lot of political entrepreneurs are after government incentives and do not care much about the actual efficiency and providing a quality product. This creates a large issue for the free market and those who want to be true free market business people. Government subsidies ruin the free market system as they contribute to the control of prices and economic growth. It is all very artificial when the government steps in. The democracy and choice of contributing to the economy as a citizen is taken as the economy is stimulated by an uncontrollable force. The natural relationship between supply and demand should be able to exist freely, but instead the natural system is tainted by money and control hungry people who do not care about the long term effects on the planet, economy, and people in the country. Political entrepreneurship also puts people out of jobs because business cannot survive.