A look at social media.

in #pob3 years ago


Lovely sunny day here.

If you or I want a gauge on society, how people are feeling or thinking. I do think fb is a good gauge.

And with the weather being so nice that all I will be doing today is cooking some food, taking a ride on a motorbike, with no end destination in mind and relaxing. Yes my mood is not the same.

Here is my wise old professor in the sunshine.


Without further ado, let us get down to other peoples thoughts, mine are way toooooo happy.

"Patrice Moblé
11 h ·
Funny how autoimmune diseases started to skyrocket
At the same time people started eating more processed foods
But hey
It’s all genetic"

Was the first one on my timeline.

Next is?


These are others thoughts, not my own.


Reuters UK
1 d ·
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson denied on Tuesday that the world's fifth largest economy was heading towards a 1970s-style inflationary spiral but demanded that business kick a decades-long addiction to cheap imported labour.

Like I say, real thoughts, none are my own.


17h ·
Facebook has a “a system that amplifies division, extremism, and polarization… In some cases, this dangerous online talk that has led to actual violence that harms and even kills people,” Frances Haugen said.

Intriguing to say the least.

Paul Casey
10h ·
I’m sorry but I’ll be honest I did not think he was washing his hands 😂😂😂😂
Rude Jokes for the over twenties reborn


And on and on it goes.

Jodie Didntdoit
1 h ·

As stated, these are all other peoples thoughts, not my own. All posted on my timeline, by them.

17h ·
The benchmark European gas prices continue their rally this week, surging to new record highs on Tuesday to an equivalent of $205 a barrel oil, amid a wider energy commodity rally driven by supply concerns ahead of the winter.



Driving Roads
1 October at 14:13 ·


No accounting for taste.
I did take a photo myself of the pinus motel though two days ago.


Have a great day, off on my bikes, if I make it back you will know.
Many a lunatic on the roads in cars, so should be fun.


watch out on those roads, weird spike in 'no cause' road accidents lately here. Just saw a weird post from msm blaming the unvaxxed for them when it is clearly the opposite. I cannot post anything on fb since this morning. No warning or post to say I'm banned. Can comment but not post. I saw some of these on my wall too.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Fakebook is getting trashed, been going on for days, bastyon is better, more open minded.
I made it back, go again with my daughter tomorrow. She like me loves the freedom. Long may it last.