
My nail looks a lot better but feels bruised. I don't think it will fall off anymore. It looked worse because it was mostly just residue from the object. My other finger has developed a white bubble but does not hurt. Sorry, sounds nasty! Haha
Thank you for asking! We are supposed to return with a man that can see the dead. The only probably is there is so much to do here and I feel like there are not enough hours in the day! There is also the tomb of a witch doctor we have to explore!

Do you think you need to see doctors?
Listening to this makes me feel like I am in a horror movie. ^^ Like you're on the mysterious expedition, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about what you guys discover soon :)

Fortunately, I don't have to see a doctor. They are just minor burns. I am excited to explore some more, too! I will try to be more careful next time with what I find (and maybe bring some tweezers/tongs)! Hopefully this weekend we can go on another expedition and I can share the artifacts we find.