POBphotocontest: ORANGE


Greetings to the community of photographers #proofofbrain, I join you in the proposal to participate with a photograph whose main theme is color Orange.

We are in the month of December, I was surprised to see at this time the amount of fallen leaves from the branches. In Venezuela we do not have the four seasons of the weather as in other countries, for this reason I cannot affirm that we are in autumn. The leaves as you can see have orange colors. At the moment when I saw the leaves piled up near the roots of the trees I wanted to leave a memory for my photographic archives.


Every leaf that falls from a tree branch reminds me that time passes but we are still useful. Leaves fall from the branches because they have fulfilled their function and now it is time to fulfill another one. So is life, today we are for one thing, tomorrow it will be for another.


The scene of fallen leaves is complemented by the birth of beautiful orange sunflowers. I think it was a great moment for me and a tool for entering the contest.

¡Gracias por leer, comentar y votar!

Fotos de mi propiedad @belkisa758. Fotografías tomadas desde mi teléfono Samsung A-30


Naranja que representa de alguna u otra forma, el otoño y el año que ya está por finalizar. Gracias por compartir, mi bella amiga. Un abrazo de vuelta! 🤗✨❤️🥰😘