Soaking my Maudlin - Autumn Haikus

in #poem8 months ago

Today's poetry podcast


Holes drilled in my skin
Drive a spile into my heart
Collect what I bleed


Pour me on the pan
Fry me till my sides are crisp
Enjoy pancakes

Full Moon

Last honey cell sealed
Us worker bees ejected
This full moon, our last


Soaking my maudlin
An oversized mug of mead
Washing it away


Squealing in fight
Squirrels flit desperately
Prepping for winter


Haunting the corners
Loud family gathering
I don't belong here

Masking my symptoms
May make life better for you
It tears me apart

2023.11.03 - Copy.JPG

Image Description: Two aluminium sap buckets with lids hang from spiles drilled into a large maple tree. White snowy bush dotted with trees make up the background.


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