The Butterfly

in #poem6 years ago

The Butterfly


Butterflies come from tiny eggs,
Hatches to a Caterpillar with many legs.
Here it eats the leaves of the plant,
Its food supply cannot be scant.
It changes again to the pupa stage,
A butterfly is it's adult age.
Some species live for only days,
While others can amaze,
Several months they can survive,
And in our gardens thrive.





The butterfly cannot at first fly
It needs to wait until it's dry.
The wings with fluid do need to fill,
It sits and waits so very still.
At last it is able to use its wing
And flies away to explore spring.



The wings are transparent - clear.
So delicate and very sheer.
With tiny scales to reflect the light,
It's colours we see very bright.
This can help them camouflage,
To blend in, in nature's grand collage.
Others choose to stand right out,
Tricking predators into some doubt,
That poisonous this bug may be,
So from it they would rather flee.
They migrate when it gets too cold,
In spring return in manifold.







Now for their food they cannot chew.
It's like a straw that they drink through.
Their tongue is like a tube in a curl,
And when they eat, it they unfurl.
Their food they taste with their feet,
They like it to be extra sweet.
They feed mostly on nectar from flowers,
And drink from puddles after showers.
They may feed on rotting fruit,
Or the sap of a tree shoot.





This beautiful creature does us grace,
And it's presence we embrace.
With them our garden comes alive,
And joy we do derive.
It's beauty seen through warmer seasons,
Giving many appreciative reasons,
To go outside and enjoy spring,
Happiness they bring.






Poem by Sourcherry
Photographs from Pixabay


lovely pix

I'm not a poem person, but this definitely got me. It is well detailed and well written. The pictures are so beautiful which complements the poem. Kudos

Thank you.

There is nothing beautiful than nature

Yes - I agree.

butterflies look so cool

Thank you.

i love butterflies

waooo! what a lovely butterfly poem, with beautiful pictures to caption it.
a phrase once said, the caterpillar did all the work, but the butterfly took all the glory.
nice post @sourcherry.

Thank you. I am glad you liked the poem.

i am following you, kindly follow my poem and stories page @inspiredtolife you will like it

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ooh My God such beautiful creatures. We only appreciate the beauty of a caterpillar once it becomes a butterfly; this sometimes reflects how we perceive people in our society as well. But then a butterfly is a living reminder that one must be ready to undergo tremendous changes to be able to achieve the best version of himself.

Thank you for your comment. Yes, butterflies are very beautiful. It is wonderful that we also have the ability to make the changes needed to be the best we can. Much can be learnt by looking at nature.

wonderfull post dear @sourcherry
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
thanks for sharing good article with us ......

Regard: @mahmoodhassan

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the post.

i am also very happy to see your awesome article thanks

Mr. @sourcherry

kindly don't say that upvote my post if you have a unique article and good content then you got upvote ok and now don't say it again because it is against of steemit rule...


Wow, you just taught me a lot. I had no idea that their wings were actually transparent, with tiny scales to reflect the light, amazing! Awesome poetry too.

Thank you. They are amazing how they can reflect the light to camouflage - this is one protective ability from predators. But this also makes them look so very beautiful.

Great! This poetic work is corresponding and coherent.
Its rhyme and enjambment is soothing,
Unveiling the mystery behind the development,the economic importance, and the life cycle of this good creature and its role in nature. Nice post @sourcherry

Thank you for you comments on my poetic composition. I enjoy researching and explaining facts on nature and animals in a poetic way.


We live free
Air is free, clouds are free
Valleys and hills are free
Rain and mud are free
The outside of cars
The entrances of cinemas
And the shop windows are free
Bread and cheese cost money
But stale water is free
Freedom can cost your head
But prison is free
We live free

There we go again, another master piece poem from the don @sourcherry, thank you for this blessing poems.

Thank you.

beautiful and amazing; we all come from a little book of bio-software written by The Author of creation, Himself.

Very good text... and good photography.


you are welcome :)

woww its so poetic and artistic!

Thank you. I like to create an artistic feel to my poems by adding the pictures to enhance reading.

Nature has so ways to express her Beauty and one of it is seen in this creature call butterfly.

Nice one there @sourcherry.
I love your choice of pictures

Thank you. The butterfly is a very beautiful creature. So many species, sizes and colour varieties.

so beatiful pict. Thansk so much for share with us. Gretings from Venezuela, South America

Thank you. You are welcome.

This is an excellent poem to read to my son who is learning about bugs, and catching them as fast as he can :)

Thank you. I hope he enjoys the poem and it can help him to learn about the butterfly.

Very amazing and detaily to seeing @sourcherry. Very happy to see a beuatifull colour in you picture. Thanks for sharing us, its make us happy. God Bless You.

Thank you. I am glad my poem made you happy.

Wow very beautiful explanation about butterfly life...

Thank you.

woe beautiful butterflies pictures, this is very good, I am very interested in the picture you post it.

Beautiful poem as beautiful as the butterflies.. It touches the heart. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a great weekend.

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the poem.

beautiful butterflies. I admire your shots.
I think butterflies, makes the nature wonderful

I am not a lover of insects, that is, I detest them, I am terrified of them. but this was lovely, even provoking me to have one in my hands even though I never would hahaha

Thank you. Many people do not like insects but the butterfly is so beautiful nobody can resist them.

Loved the poem and the photography is even better.

Educational poetry is a good way to get young minds to think about and internalize the information rather than just memorizing facts for an exam. Are you a school teacher?

Thank you. I am kind of a school teacher - I home school my daughter. I have been doing it since she started primary school and we are now doing high school.

I always love your post because lot of gather knowledge in your post 😍

Thank you. I enjoy researching the facts and information before I turn it into a poem. I am glad you like them.

The poem was perfectly phrased.
The interconnections between lines was awesome.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the poem.

Woowww. This great photography @sourcherry Surely i very liked. Good morning from Indonesia, Introduce of me @azroel please fool back, upvote and restem thanks brother.. greatt..!!👍👍


I love this, the pictures are just amazing and the way you educate and tell a story was awesome!

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.

Congratulations @sourcherry!
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Not a poetry person, but I still did end up reading it whole and enjoying it. It reads nicely and the way how you presented facts about the butterfly in a poem really makes it enjoyable. Plus, the composition with the images was spot on, not too many to distract, just enough to have some more visual cues.

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed reading my poem.


Found this in our house. It looks so cool :)

Beautiful. I like it's markings.

Me too :)

So beautiful ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶♡
It is good to be able to see the state of various butterflies.

Butterfly reminds of everything beautiful, colourful, happy and cherry. Just like your pictures depict