The Secret Melody of Trees

in #poetry3 months ago

*On the captivating green hillsides,
The silent nature calls with enchantment.
Listen, the gentle whispers of the wind,
Exhaling secrets among the leaves.

Behold, the flowing river sways,
A melody of endless life.
There, the reflection of the blue sky plays,
Dancing within the joyful ripples.

In the silent wilderness of the forest,
Dim light slowly seeps through.
Among the lush, crowned trees,
The mysteries of nature await exploration.

Fly, birds with beautiful wings,
Singing the eternal song of life.
In the indescribable charm of nature,
We find genuine peace.

With cautious steps, explore the world,
Enjoy the unparalleled wonders of nature.
In the brilliance of the noble nature,
We discover true and everlasting life.

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