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RE: Cant - New Poem

in #poetry7 years ago

pocketsend:666@run-the-bits, Stick this in your pocket - it will only increase in value. You can gift it freely in comments here in Steemit as a tip, following this syntax (pocketsend:AMOUNT@username, MEMO). Check out @biophil's page for more info. Feel free to contact me if and when you are ready to sell your soul. Cheers - Beelze


Successful Send of 666
Sending Account: beelzebub
Receiving Account: run-the-bits
New sending account balance: 995338
New receiving account balance: 665
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 0f0100cc5f0bf86d2839bd0c0606d749ff949b4e
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thank you dark lord