
Poem for soul peace, Thanks @bhmcintosh

Flowers give passion among people, today's poems are very good

If it offers any consolation
flowers grow from a beetles daily constitution

A lovely write, BH:)

Ha! Well, if the flowers prefer that to my own contribution, so much the better for my long-term prospects! Thanks for your comment, P.

Este es un poema lleno de mucha espiritualidad, @bhmcintosh. Creer en la vida posterior a la muerte, aunque sea como partícula de polvo, es realmente místico. Y es ese cielo el signo más elevado de las almas. Yo también quisiera eso. Agradecida con tu poema.

¡Muchas gracias y aprecio sus comentarios! Por favor perdone mi Google Spanish!

lovely poem :)

Always fantastic...

You are kind, @preety. Thank you.

Lovely poem @bhmcintosh

Thanks for your kind words, @paru.

Wonderful post...

Thanks for taking the time to post a comment, @tahmida56. I appreciate it.

Lovely & wonderful poem! i love it! :)

I am glad you liked it, @shohag.moni. Thanks for your comment.

I like poetry very much, thank you!

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

And thank you for your kind comment, @kissyou.