Two And One Is Wasted Existence

in #poetry2 years ago


Numbers combine, numbers define
Future definition fails, unpredictable analysis fails
Who is responsible for this failure? New failure
This failure is years of painful journey, unknown journey.

Numbers flies when cage is broader, wider
There is a limit, meaningless limit
This limit becomes clearer, crystal clear
It's the age, numeric age.

Hard to understand these numbers, proactive numbers
Numbers are loud, enough they had
Cornered numbers, dual numbers
Numbers speaks, these numbers speaks.

They planned for these numbers, futuristic numbers
Numbers which fails, not literally fails
There is no one meaning of failure, dancing failure
They had a choice, wrong choice.

Numbers are multiplying, then dividing
No easy collaboration, no easy cooperation
Then numbers falls, value falls
Number is silent existence, two and one is wasted existence.


(Pictures are edited with Canva application)
