A Second Croissant Bouquet Poem

in #poetry9 months ago


I kiss your pastry lips
each bite
a thousand pieces crumble and fall to the ground
like hansel and gretel
I find a path to your heart
with a croissant bouquet


we exchange our passions
with a bouquet of croissants
a picnic outside
as the intensity of our love
burns like the sun
and our lips dance
through the buttery-flakey obstacles

you give me a croissant kiss
whilst I try to figure out
where you hide

you give me
crusted hope
in the form
of another bite
from the croissant



I hide between the layers of butter
betwixt the lakes of chocolate
the perfectly crispy ribbons
around your neck
seduce me from hiding
as we once again meet
on the journey we call love


Postscriptum, or Another Sweet Treat

It is by now no secret that I have a weak spot for croissants and @urban.scout knows this... Each weekend or so we treat ourselves to some of these delicious treats. We discovered a bakery not so far from us that sells huge pastries. They are the size of two or three of what I would consider normal-sized croissants. So it is only fitting to write another poem of these bouquets that she buys me. I think it is rather sweet. I buy her flowers, real bouquets, and she buys me croissants. And as life would have it, she began to get a liking for plain croissants as well! Who would have guessed.

In any case, when we got home, we had to photograph these delicious treats. They are stunning and "Instagramable" as one might call them. You eat with your eyes and in this case, they were yummy! But they also tasted out of this world. So I saw it fitting to write another poem about them, as I did quite a while ago for the first time.

But for now, happy reading, and treat yourself with a croissant (or any treat/delight) from time to time!


The writings in this post are my own, inspired by some flakey pastries and a loving partner. The photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300.


Seems like a very fair exchange of bouquets you two came to agree on!
They do look lovely, luckily the bakery is close by, so you get to try all their variations:)

Yes, indeed! Our love currency, at this moment, is books and croissants. Not the cheapest currencies to have, but surely the most delicious.

Indeed, but now the problem is that we can so easily go there and buy these delicious treats!