SteemitPoetryContest #11: I'm Here Just Alone

in #poetry6 years ago

I sat gazing at the empty space
Looking forward to see your face
The morning sun smiled along
In loneliness I hoped for long

loneliness-2308923__480.jpgimage source

Nothing could comfort my heart
Not even the splendor of nature's art
Gripped by the joy of seeing you again
I imagined our love and gain

Don't tarry till the day is gone
For I shall not survive alone
My love I hunger for your smiles
To go with you and conquer the miles.


Thanks for sharing @greatness96

You are welcome

Awesome... A poem that loneliness will see and disappear

Hehehe, thanks

Nice! :)

Your poetry is good, but it requires more skills

Thanks. Please can you lend me some tips?

Wow! This is a real nice landscape