
Ending differ from good bye exactly in elusiveness and lack thereof respectively :) .

Welcome... you are exactly, dear :) .

Yes, there is a different, even if it's in one's slant or relation to cycles.

Important differences are often subtle, arent they?

Indeed. I truly love pondering them too.

Me too, as you probably already know. Beside, may i ask what you are doing apart from poetry?

Oh my, I do a lot of things. Currently I am working on a series of oil paintings that desperately need more attention. Plus, I have a small cottage farm that takes a lot of time and effort, but I adore it so. I have a podcast that I do weekly and am often a guest on other shows. I think, in a nutshell, that covers the basics. I Do, no matter what, meditate daily and have most of my life. A lesson I learned during this challenge is that I should not interact with the outer world until I have had my time to contemplate. hahaha, hard learned reminders…

You are as versalite as i am, it seems, really.