An Infant Army Is Born, Poetry and Photography

in #poetry4 years ago

An Infant Army Is Born



a smashed bubble
over a watery view
spreads its pearlescent
sudsy sea foam

aqua-marine stained rosé

blackened ships
morbid metal, inert fiber glass
haunt and float, hovering
not-quite immersed

unseen, below
more liquid entities
settle, find a new reef
to call home


a charred hull is a microcosm
bivalves, barnacles, worms
the protoplasmic and the minuscule
for a time closed up, protected
membranes folded, shells sealed

one must stick her neck out
if she wishes to feed and procreate


plankton blooms, minerals dissolve
meld and bleed with the saline

the moon rises
the tide pulses
there is a release

the watery world is amniotic
an infant army is born
transparent and legion

IMG_0508 1.jpg

swim little orphans
invade a new death perch
bring it to life again


Words and Images are my own. An Infant Army Is Born was originally conceived during 100 days of Poetry on the Steem blockchain and is published in Monsters, Avatars, & Angels. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








Very pretty Pryde

Thank you, Paul. It is that Beach I was talking about:)

I followed you and upvoted you because of the comment you left on the blacklist post. I will follow you on Steem as well. My upvote there is bigger.
I am so very tired of bullies!!

Thank you, Marianne. I follow you on both platforms:):):)