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RE: The Selection. New Poetry. Photography and Digital Art

in #poetry3 years ago

@prydefoltz & @dswigle,

A poem 'bout flowers and mid-summer showers,
And sun that brings to us peace,
Those words and their score, I'd heard them before,

... Pryde's an elf like Denise.

Just thought I'd drop in to say hello. Hope everything's going well.



Hey you! Nice to see you here or there, but as no there for now, here is good. Next month Beta-ing again?

Miss your verbosity. It's just not the same without it.

Say hi to Katie! Hope she is doing well and hopefully going to summer school and knocking out a class or three.

I love that Pryde is an elf, and, a cute one at that. Come back and see us again. :))

Hoping for July 15 but we both know that crypto deadlines are aspirational rather than definitional -- so who knows, launch could be sometime in ... 2100. Or later. Katie is dividing her time between one summer class (Biochemistry) and working in a hospital microbiology lab (they won't let me visit the lab. Apparently, my reputation proceeds me ... Gain of Function and all that. Blah blah blah.). As it turns out ... she LOVES making money! She's turned into a veritable calculating machine, rattling off the product of her hours worked times her hourly wage as if she were reciting elementary school times tables. She was somewhat surprised (aghast) though to see how much of her first paycheck got clawed back in taxes, etc. Welcome to the world of grown-ups, baby. :-)



Haha! Oh, that first taste of money, along with the first paycheck once they have reduced it to a pittance. I liked taking Anatomy and Physiology in the summer session, it didn't seem quite as brutal. Anything I could knock out in the summer was a gift.

I am with you on the launch, but, I am not sure it will even be a player for me. I am pretty sure I will not fit in with my content and I haven't been home long enough to even work on it. I am serious when I say I am clueless as to what I would even do. Just the way life is running for me for the moment. I was answering comments at the local library as I have no reliable service at the Shore House. (I am good with that. I have never gotten cable or internet there) My sister called and told me she has been holding my mail for almost two months, that doesn't seem possible.

Life should be normal soon-ish. How is it going with you?

Hey Denise. Sorry for the tardy reply (these days I'm only making the social media rounds periodically).

Respecting Voice: write a poem and superimpose it on a picture. Team up with visual artists or photographers for the artwork and split the earnings. Or, just recite your poem with a bit of background music.

@prydefoltz, you should look into this as well.

Here's a link to a few poem-NFTs on other platforms to give you some ideas (some have sold for more than $1,000 and the quality is, at best, mediocre):

The interest in NFTs seems directly tied to the interest in cryptos generally so we may have to wait for the bulls to return to generate material rewards. That said, transactions are still occurring, just not at the ridiculous levels seen earlier in the year. There's a LOT of (well-capitalized) development under way and "NFT 2.0 projects" will begin to materialize over the next couple of months.


Hello stranger. Nice to have you in these parts:) decided to re-invent itself, hence from beta blogging to beta NFTing. This necessitated a Dark Period. The Dark Period is re-inventing itself as a Dark Age so I thought I'd drop in and harass folks on Hive until it re-opens. I read your post regarding your vaccine travails. Hang in there.


Thank you. I never thought it would be a struggle to convince people democracy is a good thing.