Steemit Poetry Contest #4 + Winners of #3!

in #poetrycontest7 years ago

DISCLAIMER - Yes, I know that the Steemit logo has changed, but I like the old one more and do not want to change it :)


My Greetings To You!

I really like many of your poems! But... I need to choose only three - this is a very, very difficult task! Do not lose faith in yourself and do not give up! Remember, my opinion is subjective!

The theme for Steemit Poetry Contest #4 - Emptiness

About Prizes:

First Place - 15 SBD

Second Place - 10 SBD

Third Place - 5 SBD

Entries will be accepted within five days from the date of publication of an announcement!

Deadline - November 17 6:30 AM UTC

The winners of the Steemit Poetry Contest #3

1st Place - "An Ocean of Words" by @sonci

There is a ocean big and wide

There is no water, there is no tide

Dolphins and whales are the fish within.

And minnows, like I shortly have been.

Words are flowing more and more

Some float on the surface, some dive to the core.

Touching the heart, touching the soul

For me this is a worthy goal.

The ocean keeps growing day by day

Like sprouting flowers in early may.

Sources come and sources go

Everything is in a steady flow.

2nd Place - "Roaring Sea, Internal..." by @redsfallin

I ain't this simple little minion,

I have to ask for most,

To many questions,

About everything in the universe.

Deep in the collection of subjects,

Like ninety eight percent ocean,

I can be a stream or the Roaring Sea,

Internal tidal wave of consciousness.

Flooding most moments with no gates,

To hold one back, from the existing space,

Starting slowly, accept, surrender thinking of knowing,

The only place where the chance to know is happening.

3rd Place - "Enjoying the View"by @johnwjr7

Sitting on the beach, enjoying the cool breeze

Viewing the ocean while in the shade of some trees

The sun hits the water and makes it look so shiny

Some ladies in bikinis show me most of their hiney

The view is so lovely I dare not miss any with a blink

A tall glass of cool lemonade is my number one drink

It's the first vacation I've been on in over a year

It may be a long time till another is something I fear

I'm just enjoying life, seeing what I can see on the sea

Hoping that the rest of the world will just let me be

When it's time to go home I think that I will see

If one of the ladies in a bikini will want to go with me

Rules of The Contest!

  • Only one entry is allowed.

  • Your entry-post must be tagged both #poetry and #poetrycontest

  • The Title must be "SteemitPoetryContest #(with the number of the actual episode)" + the name of your poem.

  • You can use any types of rhyme - End rhyme, Cross rhyme, Internal etc.

  • The size of the poem - three quatrains (one quatrain = four lines).

  • Do not steal! The contest is only original works!

I wish everyone good luck and creativity!

Let's make STEEMIT more interesting and varied together!

Sincerely, Terry Craft.


Here is my entry post,

And here is the poem :)

Emptiness Inside of Me

Emptiness, it's an echoing voice.
Emptiness, it's a crying smile.
Where the star shines in morning,
and the darkness feels so nice.

The Love that says goodbye,
where the Ocean flows in the sky.
Where you can feel the sea breeze from a dessert,
and a dangerous storm nearby.

It's not a fact if you smile,
neither it is if you cry.
Just be who you are or who you can be,
Or atleast, just don't hesitate to try.

I like the idea of poetry contests and surprised to see so many interested Steemians. Here is my entry:

Here is my entry to this contest:

I really like the idea to participate in this contest. I hope you find my poem suitable.

great contest @terrycraft , here is my entry :)

Asking my self ... change !

For some peoples heart is just a place,
Where the emptiness & loss always reins.
They take the bad way without any sense,
Knowing that this way is dagerous & false.

Nothing to do on this world,
We missed out our chance.
Their brains holds a password,
To know that ervery one have a second chance.

You feel lossed,alone & most of time empty?
Your friends & familly are here for you !
So if you want to be happy?
start by seeing things positivelly & let your heart guide you !

My entry!

Where I belong
You’ve been given a bad name
A reputation that you’re supposed to be tamed
You’ve been seen by the wrong eye
Never really noticed as top prize

But there you are forever faithful
To the blissful and the painful
If perceptions could change to see you
Different context and different purview

People would know you are not of pain
you are full of truth and no playing of game
You are where I live without temptedness
You are the peace of mind that is emptiness

Oh my goodness this was so much fun!!

Here’s my submission:

I hope you all enjoy!

Oh how the cookie crumbles

The emptiness found was impeccable
A tear, from each eye, did drop
The line was drawn and she knew all along
Some day, someone would drop the ball
She wondered, “How could this be happening?
Surely, this must be a dream”
She checked all the cabinets swept over in sadness
Just wanting to kick and to scream
For she had never felt a heart as broken
Until finding that cookie-less jar
She took a deep breath, grabbed her keys and she left
Heading straight for the closest snack bar

Congratulations winners! You deserve to win in the previous entry.
I knew they are the ones!

Hi @terrycraft! Keep up and more power! We can`t wait to read your poems too. :)

Too many things... but I'll try :)

good job,sir

Bountiful post will dony

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Thank you for selecting my poem. I hope to do better than 3rd place in the next contest though. Looking forward to it, whenever it is.

Congratulations on the third place! I love your poem! It’s great!

Thank you very much for participating and, of course, good luck! :)

I just submitted my entry for #4 Emptiness.

Thanks for sharing .

Thank you for choosing my poem for the first place. I’m speechless!!!
I was so happy when I opened my wallet this morning and found your transfer. Never had that many sbd!!

And it helps me to promote my weekly steemit Mastermind post. That’s so great!!!

No no no! Thank you! :)

Okay since i didnt win, i will try again

всё ещё рубишь бабло, хах

Thank you so much!! This has been an awesome contest to be a part of and I look forward to being in more!!

Again Thank you! The other two were smashing as well!

I look forward to your continued participation!

Here is my entry for this Wonderful Contest!

And I do not want to ruin surprises haha so I am not putting the poem here. You will have to just click and see for ones self! 😜

Hi @dranren!
Your poem is flowing with awesomeness!
But it is better if you follow @terrycraft`s rules, "three quatrains (4 lines in one stanza).
I just wanna help! :)

Here is my entry, Thank you for the contest!

My Shadow

I kind of mis titled the post and put Steemit Poetry Contest last, now I cannot change it. I can't delete it either, is that going to be an issue? It does have Steemit Poetry Contest #4 in the title, just backwards. I'm a dummy! Lol

Do not worry about it :)

New to steemit, see that others posted thiere entries in comments here. So I guess I will link to it here.

Hi @bitcoinpoems!
Welcome to steemit and thank you so much for joining us here!
I love your poems though. :) Read the poem of others so you will get an idea of how to enhance and polish your poems. For example, this; @lymmerick`s poem, My Shadow.
Keep up!

Thank you for your kind intentions.
One of my purpose for writing here however is to be kinder to myself. I struggle with alot of selfcriticism and try to let go of that to improve my productivity for my novells. I use poetry to express feelings and thoughts that othervise would fester on my mind. I use my stories to express my observations of this world that I inhabit. My greatest enemy is within and it is whom my battle is with.
I read others poems and storys for pleasure and inspiration. I learn and evolve. Growth is a primary goal.

For me this paltform is verry much to keep up motiviation as well in anotherwise verry loonely profession. ^^

Is it really okay if we comment the link of our entry? There's nothing said in the rules, though.

Hellow, @tinagwapa!
You can drop the link of your entry here. It is your choice. :) But I urge you to do so. Because there are steemians (like me) who do not bother going to the specified tags. In my case, I choose to go here whenever I want to read poems.

I see. That helps. Thank you very much @xhunxhiss

My pleasure. :)

Hi here's my link entry for this week's poetry theme 'emptiness' --entitling


Hope you'll like it @terrycraft :)

Hi @terrycraft! Here is my entry :)
My Wallet

Here is my entry,

What happens to a love deferred?
Does it vanish with time like a bird flying in the sky?
Does it grow like a cancer inside the person until they must comply?
Does it shrink and die like a raisin in the sun?

Or maybe it dims and dies before it can shine like the sun in the winter time.
What happens to a love deferred?
Does it drive one into madness like a life without purpose?

Or Maybe it sings of past glory like a Lion of the safari.
Or maybe it's like the caged bird, no speaking or lullabies.
Just prison and regrets.

-Also, follow me at


I agree Steemit should present broader interests. Here's my poetry-ish post. Not for your contest but just for shring. Thank you.

Nice. Perhaps you'd care to take a look at my post (poem ~) Thank you.

Congrats to the winners... Mine; Soul's splattered

I wrote one, but I didn't read, The size of the poem - three quatrains (one quatrain = four lines).

I will try again, next time to get it write!!!!!

You can still read it, if you'd like...

Didn't realize I was supposed to post my link here and I've participated twice without posting link.

Here's my entry.

Hello! I'm also participating :-)

This is my entry:

Thanks for the opportunity!

I don't really feel confident about this but it's worth the try :)
Here's my entry

It is in the warmth of a touch
In a smile from a soul
In the sun that shines down
In the look in your eyes
In a warm friendly hug
In giving your time
To a person in need
Is the gift of love
Its all in me