Gravity Stone & Talonflame Evolution Line Pokemon Cards From Stellar Miracle

in #pokemon2 months ago

Hi there. In this Pokemon TCG post I cover the cards Gravity Stone, Fletchling, Fletchinder and Talonflame. Source


Gravity Stone


Gravity Stone is a tool card with an interesting effect. Attach this to your Active Pokemon and make both Active Pokemon (yours and opponents) have one colourless more in the retreat costs.

This card is good in certain decks that benefit from the opponent having a high retreat cost. Attackers like Minior or Spidops ex benefit from a higher retreat cost on the opponent.

Bulbapedia Image Source

Bulbapedia Image Source




Fletchling is Basic 60 HP Colourless Pokemon. The attack of Send Back costs one colourless Energy and does 10 damage. It has the additional effect of sending the opponent's Active Pokemon to the Bench.

The art on this card is pretty good for a non-holographic card. Fletchling is flying over the Burberry Academy in the background.




Fletchinder is a colourless Stage 1 90 HP Pokemon that evolves from Fletchling. There is only one attack on it which does 50 damage with the cost of two colourless Energy. It is kind of a generic beatstick Stage 1 Pokemon.




Talonflame is the final Evolution form of Fletchling and evolves from Fletchinder. It has 140 HP and is of the colourless type (instead of Fire). The attack of Aero Chase costs two colourless Energy with a base damage of 110. If the retreat cost of the opponent's Active Pokemon is 2 or more then this attack does 110 more damage making it 220 damage.

Combine this with Gravity Stone to make it easier to get the 220 damage. If you play Double Turbo Energy then this attack does 20 less damage making it 90 or 200 max damage.

For a stage 2 attacker I think this is not bad. I think it is somewhat difficult to get this Stage 2 Pokemon in play, get the energy requirements for the attack and have an opponent's Pokemon that is 2 Retreat cost or more. Let's see how this plays out.

Bulbapedia Image Source


Thank you for reading.