
And definitely fuck you, spineless twerp!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Skoro to lubisz!

Really, you are harassing me for rating pictures of women. I’d say you appear to be the buttboy in this scenario!

Posted using Partiko iOS is correct way to share links from the internet.

Dude, leave me the fuck alone. Stop harassing me. What I'm doing qualifies as Fair Use in America. You are a fucking keyboard warrior get a fucking life. You nerdy fuck!

Posted using Partiko iOS

And explained you many times why I harassing you, I don't care if you publish stolen pictures, as long as you don't use tag #polish.

Look dipshit you don't own the word Polish or Poland! So fuck off!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Using dirty words doesn't make you smarter than you are. Be sure that every time when you post your shity posts with tag #polish, and there won't be any polish word in it just stolen picture, it will be flagged and reported to steemcleaners.

Go right ahead fucko!

Posted using Partiko iOS