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RE: Watching Anti-Vaxxers Die of Covid is Emotionally Mangling Me

in #politics3 years ago

Surreal isn't it?

There's only a few things I can mind while in a job that directly puts me on the front row seats watching the statistics and see it at ground level. The worse thing this whole ordeal can do is having someone get used to it and society will devolve into a told you so movement where both sides just wait for the other to go extinction to prove a point. It's crazy but there are people that are having this mindset that being right is more important.

Couldn't bring myself to say that to someone dying and regretting their life decisions. What I do is trying to keep a sanity check and reorienting myself from the environment. The choices these people made, part of it were influenced by something they couldn't control and something they made a choice to do about. If they can truly say they made full conscious decisions about each step of the way, then I don't have the energy to waste my time stressing about people paying the tuition.

We can just hope they learned something more about the consequences of those decisions. Now I got myself the vaccine and I still have an attitude that advocates taking it but not coercing people that don't want it. If I see them go out like the many of the people that do for over a year now, I wouldn't really be too upset about it, at some point you made an effort to reach out and they made a conscious decision not to.

If I do end up proven to be the experiment, let the control group enjoy their I told you so moment. History is not without horror stories about medical science discoveries. And the living will learn from those that fell before them. For the privilege to say I told you so. In hindsight, it's just fucked up to have this mindset but that's where most are heading on to.