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RE: Will Mark Zuckerberg Use Mind Control to Become President of the United States?

in #politics6 years ago

We more than ever need strong leaders and Marc is one of them. I think it will be wonderful for this scenario to play out.
Facebook might have flaws but I believe that Marc came from a good place and he'll do other great things in the future.

Thanks for you very thoughtful article @lukestokes


Stronger leaders can lead to more authoritarianism. Does that concern you?

It depends on whether they come from a good place or a bad place. Again, personally I would prefer a strong leader over a weak leader any day of the week. It might be harder but we'll experience way more growth than with a weak leader.

I guess you're thinking in terms of "we" but for me "we" is humanity. I think humanity could benefit from many great leaders, but more so from individuals taking personally responsibility to lead themselves. When I think about "strong leaders" I think about tribalism and I don't think that's a great way forward.

He is a leader for the ruling elites; the only thing he sees in the future is a one-world socialist dictatorship that they control.