70% of Trump supporters say they would leave GOP for a new "Trump Party"

in #politics3 years ago

You hear all the stories about how Trump's supporters are extremely dedicated to him and the causes that he attempts to lead. There is no denying that he inspires his followers to a tremendous degree. But recently I saw a poll that showed that over 70% of Republicans say that they would leave the Republican party in order to form a new "Trump Party" and this is both a good and a bad thing.


Why is it good?

The 2 party system proves time and time again that it is broken and corrupt to the core. We have made it impossible (almost) for anyone who is not in the two "gangs" to get into any sort of meaningful office. There are some very intelligent people out there that would probably do some good for government but because they don't have the R or D next to their name they will simply get brushed to the side. Libertarians had candidates in droves of elections this year but none of them get given any notice because they are not part of the political machine. Someone like Trump has the clout necessary to change this and the last time I remember seeing someone that was able to inspire the sort of enthusiasm that we see in Trump supporters was when Ross Perot was running against George Sr. and Bill Clinton. I believe that Ross Perot could have won that election but there was a ton of devious things going on behind the scenes with the powers that be.


Ross Perot was a political outsider and it was only by using his own vast fortune that for the only time in my life the debates had a 3rd person involved in it and a real 3rd choice. Perot's party would fade to obscurity rather quickly after his departure from it and if it is still around today I would be surprised. They needed a charismatic leader and that leader needed to be very very wealthy to fund it since they don't have any team-mates. Trump could make that happen since he has enough money to live many lifetimes. He, and a party that he could form, could be a much-needed change in the direction of overall politics in USA. Trump espouses a great many Libertarian ideals but not enough of them I guess. I don't really know. I just get excited thinking about someone out there with the balls, money, and charisma necessary to take on the political machine.

Why it is bad?

Trump supporters get put under the spotlight for things that aren't necessarily attributes of them. The news media attempts to paint them (and Trump himself) as racist, xenophobic, uneducated, and overall just kind of stupid. None of these things are true in any sort of widespread fashion but you know... media.

A "Trump" party could be bad because it would be short-lived and Trump is no spring chicken as they say. He only has another 10 years of political viability in his future and even if the Presidency is taken away from him in a few months, there would be no one else to be in the Trump party other than Trump himself. Maybe his kids, I can't say for sure if they are even interested in doing something like that after seeing what the media and the USA did to their father in the past 4 years.


Ross Perot's "Reform Party" fizzled out after he was longer involved in it and like I eluded to before, it had a real chance to shake up politics in the USA. However, once he was gone there was no one really to look up to and the money coming in quickly disappeared and along with it the party (almost) altogether. Today if they are relevant at all I would be surprised.

One thing is for certain: Politics in the USA are dirty and broken. Nothing gets done and votes are purchased in a roundabout way by making campaign promises that cannot possibly be fulfilled. It doesn't matter that you are making financial decisions that are economically impossible because people are going to vote for "free this and free that" and you can just spin it later to make it look like it is the other team's fault that it never happened rather than it being financially infeasible from the start....which is what I think a lot of these politicians realize when they are actually making the promises in the first place.

This poll that I am referring to was also conducted by CNN... so there is also a very good chance that the results are completely manufactured or manipulated as well.


“They” can’t really be that dumb. Splitting off from the GOP to form a Cult of Personality Party would all but guarantee a Harris landslide in 2024.

“They” can’t really be that dumb.


Censorship, Breeds, Hatred.
Even Non-Partisans, who so many have now been fired up to TAKE DOWN all criminal liars.
"They" never should have been on the GOP side in the first place. For it is only the other cheek of the ass.

Maybe now we can clean the Liars and Treason out. Of both 'sides'.

This poll that I am referring to was also conducted by CNN... so there is also a very good chance that the results are completely manufactured or manipulated as well.

This takes away all credibility from the poll before anyone even tries to extrapolate any data from it.

I would love to see more parties in the USA, especially one that actually stood a chance. Libertarian and Green parties enjoy fringe membership but are never an actual threat to the big 2.