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RE: Will Mark Zuckerberg Use Mind Control to Become President of the United States?

in #politics6 years ago

What's interesting about this is that Trump already set a precedent of sorts, becoming a major "social media President."

Zuck for President is not unthinkable, and made me think of a short-lived Canadian TV show named "Continuum." It was basically sci-fi/time travel, but the believable premise was a future (2077) dominated by a social media mogul who essentially ruled over a corporatocracy. And (almost) everybody pretty much "ate up" their own demise, being "excited" to wait for the latest release and features of something that was actually taking everything from them.

The "devil" wears many disguises... including one of being generous and kind to humanity (UBI, good lifestyles, etc.) but it's in exchange for your soul...