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RE: Virtue signaling about women aka International women`s day

in #politics3 years ago

4 days this post was waiting for a little comment from my side. I wish for everyone, men and women would be treated as equals, anywhere in the world. I realise this is not the case, not even in the most progressive countries and societies around. That said, I also believe we are not all the same, I mean: we have about 8 billion individuals, all of them having their own characteristics. Everybody has male and female elements in their character. I also wish for the business side of society not to be male dominant in its approach, ie rational, hard with low levels of emotions. For sure we need more female characteristics mixed into how we do business. Will make the world a better place for sure. May even drive out the enormous push for growth, regardless. But we need to work on our cultures for that to happen.

ps Happy belated Women's Day! :)


Oh, great, you are back; no posts, no comments, I began to fear that you had been abducted by aliens ;P

we have about 8 billion individuals, all of them having their own characteristics

Yes, and to be more precise, we don.t have our own characteristics just different structure of those characteristics that exist :) if you combine them in different ways and add environmental spice, there it is, uniqueness of every person.

I would rather not start discussion about "male" and "female" elements; what is innate are our sex, characteristics/predispositions of nervous system, endocrine sys etc but everything else that we perceive as male or female is shaped by society and roles that are given to us. Bottom line is, as long as we are afraid of each other and fight about who should be dominant, no equal treatment could be achieved. Further more, equal treatment is human invention, there is no such a thing in "animal world"; we think we overcame animal instincts, which is very not true. Just take a look at cancel culture as an example ;)

Owwww Owwww I wish Aliens abducted me: It would giving me proof of life outside mother earth!
Have been very very busy last few weeks, limiting my time around the HIVE chain to curation only; the searching, selecting and voting part. Last Wednesday and today reschuffled my priotities and here I am 😉

All true words you state. Indeed, female/male is categorisations by humans. Also very true that to be equal is a human invention. To be exact, we never can achieve absolute equality. Part of who we are is defined by our construct created by our parents and coded in our genes. In whatever society we will live, we differ from eachother, and some of those difference will never become equal. But that sound sad. I so see a growning number of female board directors in the companies in the Netherlands. Something I like. Whether they take the role of a male, or not, I don't know. This probably varies between the female C-levels.

Hahaha, yes, I think the same when in optimistic mood about aliens but from time to time I prefer not to know, for example if includes some sort of experiments. Optimistic version would be something like in the movie Arrival and the opposite like in the movie Circle (2015) :)

Nice references to the movies :) Arrival is indeed to better option. Circle is the true Big Brother, and more realistic then not imho. Unless we all wakeup and start transforming our societies to make sure raw materials are in public hands, AI is in public hands, big corporates are dismantelled, some form of UBI is created across the whole world and more of that. Not seeing politicians understanding the impact of AI in coming few decades.