Another Church Shooting But Why Is Media Silent

in #politics7 years ago

Another meme I have found on the internet highlighting the mainstream media's disconnect with reality and truth telling. This time the media has been caught out by not reporting the latest mass shooting inside a church.

Why are the silent you might ask?

Because the truth doesn't fit in with their narrative.



You are surprised?

We shouldn't be surprised! The lying idiots in the media do it all the time.

It was all over the news. Were you simply not paying attention?

You're becoming well know as a troll @preparedwombat.

If you want troll, @croat is your man. He's been spamming me for weeks, all based on one fully justified flag I issued:

What is it with unhinged Hillary supporters like you @preparedwombat?

Did Anderson Cooper the #FakeNews pooper scooper report this mass shooting?

Did cock holster Colbert report this shooting?

Did Rachel Mad Cow report this shooting?

If they did, please provide the proof.

Only someone who was hallucinating would say that I was a Hillary supporter. Or is it too hard for you to grasp that someone who thinks that Trump is a dangerous narcissist does not necessarily believe that Hillary is a valuable member of society?

Please learn to use Google or DuckDuckGo.

You still haven't answered the question @preparedwombat.

Did anyone of the demented #FakeNews mainstream media morons report the church massacre?

CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times all covered the incident. Can I assume that since you consider those to be fake news sites, the shooting never actually happened?

But I am wasting my time responding to your blatant lies.

Please answer the question properly, and provide proof that these butthurt #FakeNews losers actually reported the church massacre @preparedwombat.

Anderson Cooper Stephen Colbert Rachel Maddow

If you can't provide any evidence, apologize and admit that the meme is 100% correct in its claim!

Tend to agree on this one, but I believe in many cases it is out of fear.

Give the anti-narrative story too much voice? BLM is insisting you're paying too much attention to the story because of color. Another wonderful illustration of the double standard.

Most important message? Evil has no color.