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RE: 3 reported hunter Biden drive contents, include bio-weapon plan, Ukrainian deal , s3x and pedo videos, President Xi's US investments

in #politics4 years ago

It wasn't clear what the p3do tapes were or how they got there. Reportedly, the laptop went from Hunter, to possibly someone else, to the repair shop narriive,a set of chinese dissidents who may or may not be that repair shop owner, to steve Bannon, to Rudy. Hunter could try to plead equal access as a defense. However, as the video says Hunter was treating the Chines people badly, and the infowars translation, for what it is worth claim, they are tapes if Hunter himself in those pedo videos messing with Chinese children. If the infowars translation is true and the drives do contain such material, obviously the equal access defense is gone. At best the Bidens would have to plead deep fakes, and the videos would somewhat collaborate past reports about Hunter trafficking women as prostitutes-only those reports didn't indicate they were children-both here [ ] and abroad [ ]. Creepy Joe and Pedo Joe Biden are an inherited trait, I feel bad for all his kids [all over the globe] who may grow up fearing that they might become like their daddy and grandpa.

Reveal spoiler


It is interesting to see German owned newspaper U.S. Business insider and others continue to spread a Russian spin to it. I mean, it sounds like the Bidens can f___ all the kids that they want and still be a virgin while the media will spin it so Republicans are the bad guys for other reasons.


I eagerly await learning what is truly on the second hard drive, I think we ought to know the extent in which China controls us. US business insider is owned by Axel Springer SE, whose CEO is reportedly anti-china. see Apparently his New York office doesn't have a similar viewpoint, nor did they seem to have high standards when it came to hiring Sonam Sheth; She was an economics major with a political science minor. For New York wages they could have hired an attorney for less money. I am not saying a lawyer would be better; they might be worse.