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RE: No more years

in #politics4 years ago

Every single politician is useless and a crook. You should know just as well as us since your government is a cluster too. The problem is that we have career politicians who are bought and sold by the highest bidder and only do the bidding of their financial backers. The people are all secondary to the push for more profits. This is a world wide problem, not just the states. Politics = Corruption, it doesn't matter who is in the driver's seat and nepotism is part and parcel to the system, just look at any corporation.

I for one welcome having a non career politician in charge. Politicians are why we are in the world we are.


Funnily enough politicians are people too. I have had family and friends in local politics. Does that make them crooks? Generalisations are almost always wrong. Corruption is a problem and needs to be dealt with. It seems you read the media that is trying to convince you they are all bad. What is their motive I wonder...

Many people do very evil things because of the positions they are in. I have been involved in local and state politics and have seen first hand what happens just to get the candidates in and elected at this level. I have friends in political positions and they have all had to give in to "the way it works" or else they get nothing accomplished and no one will listen to them or their positions. There is an inherent problem with greed in all the political systems. Look closely at them all and you will see the destruction it has caused. Corruption is a basic part of politics and has been for hundreds of years.