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RE: All Alone: The Voice of Dissidence @positive #politics - #steemit

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

The update is interesting, still I agree with @senseiteekay Thought provoking topics tend to get whashed away by boobsavy content about very mundane things. Then again, thats how it sort of goes #IRL

And no, it's not whining when you are disagreeing with specific points. As long as you can articulate your ideas properly.

I have a fundamental believe in Steemit becoming a successful platform. At the moment I think what we are experiencing is just the beta child diseases. Once things like following and user profiling becomes more user friendly things will definitely change for the better in regards to getting washed away in the hype.

Future Food


Very unique insight, and positive view. Thanks for that!

"Thought provoking topics tend to get whashed away by boobsavy content about very mundane things. Then again, thats how it sort of goes #IRL ".

Could not agree more with these two sentences!

But as I said to @positive before: True, people who command more votes will still command more votes. And do so by being invested in the network, either with time, knowledge, and/or money. Whether the mathematics/algorithm is fair or not is up for the user to decide.

Maybe the steemit network prefers "boobsavy content about very mundane things" before thought provoking topics? Which it has the right to do.

If that will remain true for a longer period I believe other networks will spring up to fill that void, and to foster a more thought provoking discussion.

I agree. I've stopped posting as much for this reason. I don't want to waste all my good ideas on the beta phase and have them get lost in the hogwash. Thanks for your input.