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RE: Biden claims he has been a senator for 180 years; and the MSM gives him a pass!

in #politics4 years ago

I see many Americans have turned out to vote already. Someone told me almost 48% of the total amount who voted in 2016 have already voted. Let's see what that does to the results. It looks like a country divided from all the way over here, but then again I'm a long way off so maybe I'm wrong.

Glad you're on the mend and are back on track.


They have to stuff the ballot box to overcome the popularity of our President, to have any chance.

They want to cheat without getting caught, so they can claim the moral high ground.


I don't know mate, it all seems quite farcical and a little concerning...It'll shake out in a week or so I guess though, and we'll all know what's going to happen. I hope nothing bad although it seems like a bit of a powder keg at the moment.

Speaking of powder, keep yours dry and stay vigilant.

These are evil people, and they hate Conservatives to their very cores! They are all in, they believe they can take control for their Master!

I need to buy more powder, LOL! Ever vigilant is a watchword these days.


I'm fascinated to know what the everyman on the street thinks as feels but of course it's impossible to know for here. All I get is from hive or those bloody idiots on the "news", said with tongue in cheek of course. News. As if. It'll shake out though, in the next week or so, and then maybe the shenanigans begin.

They will, but not likely here. Too many goat ropers here for liberal riots to work too well, LOL!

I do need to pick up some more reloading powder. Need to get on to that soon!

But when Biden looses, there will be riots; in liberal cities...let them burn! I'm tired of their crap....


Well, we will know soon and I hope that whatever happens not too many innocent people suffer through the actions of others.

I also pray for the innocents! This does Not include blm or antifa, they have never been innocent!

Lock and load my friend, and keep your powder dry....
