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RE: Can we be done with this whole election thing already?

in #politics3 years ago

One of my jobs if I had say 40 minutes of actual work that I actually needed to do that was a busy day. The rest of the time was pretending to work, walking around the office or job site, screwing around on the internet, and developing an increasing addiction to coffee and cigarettes. For every 1 job they hire 11 people and I wonder if this is the reason why some politicians are able to claim that they cured unemployment to some degree. I made it 6 years between the two agencies.

The crazy thing is that when I brought this up with my superiors that it was actually ME that was reprimanded for rocking the boat. I'm talking about a time uncovered an unnecessary project where millions upon millions of dollars were simply (and I believe intentionally) wasted. I was forced to sign an NDA for that one.


You probably know, Gov't. agencies seek to spend or hide every dollar allocated to them for fear their funding will be reduced in subsequent cycles. Tax exempt Non-Profits operate the same way, especially those who receive Govt. funding under contract.

Six years...??? I had to laugh, because of the '6'... I quit one City job after '6" weeks. It was a totally disgusting operation😝

You probably know, Gov't. agencies seek to spend or hide every dollar allocated to them for fear their funding will be reduced in subsequent cycles.

Exactly and I am sure that was part of what was going on when I worked for these agencies. However, I also think it was more evil than that. I think that the biggest part of these contracts were actually benefitting my superiors' personal bank accounts by awarding that particular part of the completely unnecessary contract to a friend or acquaintance who had promised them something in return.

It was a tough 6 years and at first I really liked it because I was in awe that you do almost nothing all day long and get a pretty decent salary and great benefits. However, having nothing to do all day long sounds like it is going to be great fun until you do it for a while. Then you start to feel like you are wasting away because you are developing no skills and you spend most of the day just looking for something to do. I had a complicated spreadsheet on "alt tab" to hide whatever I was really doing and also made sure my office looked as disheveled as possible to give the appearance of me being busy.

It worked.