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RE: Why does no one explain the semiautomatic firing mechanism?

in #politics6 years ago

As if government actually can protect you from the scary people.

I read an article today about the deputy who took a defensive position and waited, while he listened to children being killed. Just swell. And he apparently earned a 6 figure salary right up until we discovered that he didn't have what it takes to defend children. I always end up wondering who was responsible for this person. Didn't he have a boss? Why isn't it the boss's fault too? For instance, did we ever hear who Pvt Manning's boss was? Why does he still have a job? What the heck IS a manager or supervisor, if their employees are bozos? I mention the article because I learned a new term from it. "Check-sucker".

We're going to count on check-suckers to protect our children? Nu uh. I think not.

Meanwhile, the problem solvers are all hysterical about which firearms we should "ban". It's so pathetic that it's frightening.