in #politicslast year


       I'm Praise, a prolific writer, I'm not biased of the fact that I stand here as I choose not to debate this topic with anybody, but as one variable. I'm not breaching national protocol capable of wreaking havoc, causing civil unrest or making inciteful statement which they often referred to as HATE SPEECH, I'm here to speak the truth why BAT may not gain political seat. 

Before I proceed, I must make this declaration that I I'm open to physical and political assault , even police arrestation in the cause of fabricating this satire from who it redicules. I owe no one any sympathy. Let us die by our truth. Now, that having been said, let me begin very quickly.
Political administration of Nigeria is a failed business under PMB who closes border from the commencement of his administration till date. PMB who has a failed promise of security encroachment has achieved success in national poverty. Hike in the price of petrol is not excluded as a minister of petroleum. What a Paradox! Anyway.....
Presently, the table of this nation will change. Turning the table from friedpan to fire is what you must expect if BAT succeeds PMB. If you may ask, I'm not a political spokes person but an observer who looks beyond horizon.
Three obstacles are banes of BAT. I will want you to read very carefully as any distraction may cause misunderstanding.
BAT is really suffering from gaffe, making public nonsense of himself is a topic Nigerians search for on l internet. And this is as a result of glibbed tongue to deceiving Nigerians during his manifestos. What did you think may cause this? Ofcourse, it is an old age coupled by lack of concentration. Scientifically, when a man grow to certain age, law of diminishing return set in, where he begins to act childish. As fierce as the ship of this country is, should we confide our truth of leadership in a child?
Further up, I must let you remember an attact on innocent youths at Lagos Tollgate during EndSars syndrome. This is a clear indication that BAT perhaps will not be really compassionate on humanity. Thinking the entire globe is not aware of this, this is wonderful fragile.
In another development, Muslim to Muslim ticket is a serious case. Breaching the unprecedented principle of a unified society, BAT should know he is already failed with this biased attempt.
These are just a few blockages to BAT political success coupled with the fact that he's not popular with many Nigerians. This is an open letter to BAT, if not too late, let he who has ears hears what the spirit is saying. 08160807336