Political Cognitive Dissonance?

in #politics4 years ago

As the 2020 election cycle ramps up, I have seen a lot of people waving flags. Some are campaign banners, some are old flags from American history, and some are recent variations on the United States flag. Two of the combinations I have seen perplex me, though.

Flag Fail.jpg
Behold my glorious Microsoft Paint creation! I needed a good illustration for this topic, and had to make my own. Sorry.

One truck bore the inverted Texas Revolution Come And Take It flag used among a lot of pro-gun 2nd Amendment groups along with a Thin Blue Line variant of the US flag. Just out of curiosity, whose job do you think it will be to come and take your guns? Who enforces existing gun control laws? Who has shot law-abiding gun owners like Philando Castille? This strikes me as a severe case of cognitive dissonance.

Another truck flew a Gadsden Flag beside a Trump 2020 campaign flag. I was not a fan of Hillary Clinton in 2016, and I am not a fan of Joe Biden now in 2020, but it is absurd to deny that Trump has been treading on people with his political power grabs.

These two trucks in particular seemed to illustrate the insanity of partisan politics as people try to combine contradictory ideas. Be careful out there, and examine your own ideology, regardless of your party and bias.

The real revolution will never be achieved by the ballot box.

Hive Signature Bar.png

PeakD Signature Bar.png


This is the intent of it all. The easiest way to conquer/rule/subjugate/control a people is to keep them divided. This has been a key part of the political world for... ever? That division extends to each individual's own brain and the constant contradictions that we all seem to live. Maybe that is the human condition, contradiction.

Interesting how humanity seems to require symbolism.