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RE: Will Mark Zuckerberg Use Mind Control to Become President of the United States?

in #politics6 years ago

I truly dislike this guy. I think that anyone with his $ worth who does not walk and live a totally business-hassle-free life is to certain degree "sick". there was a study that proved that most of politicians are psychopaths. I believe Zuck is one of them too. Power is the strongest drug in the world they say. I say it's pure ego. I just read an article that he wants to do a facebook crypto token- FB coin.....sounds scary to me! Thanks for great article Luke bro!


Thanks Jan. Yeah, I think we should all be skeptical of those with too much power. It is like a drug and it can corrupt good-natured people. At the same time, I do respect and appreciate genuine, voluntary leadership. I wouldn't use Zuck as an example of that, but I am a fan of Elon Musk. I think he's using power to actually improve our chances as a species for survival. I like that.

Elon is a definitely my choice over Zuck, hands down!

Mine too!! Elon for President!